Captain EO Back At Disneyland Soon...

The theme park announced plans Friday to bring back the 3-D sci-fi film starring Michael Jackson next February, over 23 years after the attraction debuted in Anaheim, California. The 17-minute film starred the late King of Pop as a singing-and-dancing intergalactic commander. It was directed by Francis Ford Coppola and executive produced by George Lucas.
In the film, Jackson leads a goofy alien (UTOR! LOL) & robot crew as they battle a wicked queen played by Anjelica Huston. “Captain EO” originally opened in Disneyland’s Tommorrowland in 1986 and ran for more than a decade. Identical versions later opened at other Disney theme parks. They were all closed by 1998. This great foreal. Hope they run this forever & bring this jount to Disney World to so I can see it too.
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