R.I.P. Michael "The King Of Pop" Jackson

We have been on something like a "hiatus" for a few days. The reason why?... As you all know we lost an Icon who was dear and close to our hearts. To even let you guys understand how this devastated us simply is very difficult to do. Michael Jackson meant everything to us. He was an inspiration and an Idle! The news hit us so hard that we had to take some time off, and we couldn’t just simply post something about MJ that wasn't heartfelt. He was the topic of many discussions we've had and a big inspiration to many situations we were involved in. From the "spins" to the "reciting of his lyrics" to even "our outfits for prom night" There are too many words that can be shared about this AMAZING artist also known as THE KING OF POP!!!
We love you Michael Jackson and you will always be missed but will always live on in our minds and hearts. You are remembered for all of the hit records that you blessed us with as well as the amazing stories you told with your movies/videos. You turn on an Mj record... (It’s a hit), you watch an Mj video.... (You want to dance) You see him perform... (You feel inspired) HE CHANGED THE WORLD!
We will never ever forget Michael Jackson!!!! R.I.P. [God Bless His family/friends/fans] Though we suffered this loss and it definitely has hurt us as well as all of his fans around the world and not to worry the blog shall continue but we definitely will never forget Michael Jacksons’ Legacy!!!! WE ALL LOVE YOU & MISS YOU. "YOU WERE INCREDIBLE MAN!!! YOU BROUGHT US HITS LIKE NO OTHER" R.I.P. Michael Jackson 1958-2009. *STRANGER IN MOSCOW/MAN IN THE MIRROR*
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did he sign your fucking spiderman underwear too?
name 20 michael jackson songs. since you're such a dickblower, i mean fan.
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